Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life as a Wog

Words cannot describe how frustratingly bizarre it is to be a wog. One minute my family are enjoying our nightly buffet of food, next thing I know there's screaming and yelling, finger biting and weird hand gestures only Italians can decipher. The old traditions, the warped sense of family obligation, the rules and restrictions, I just can't understand them, I feel as if there just control mechanisms. I reject them so much that I go as far to say I am not Italian because I don't want to be classified in the same 'group' as these illogical people. I don't want the big wog wedding where you invite 200 people (half of them you have never seen before), I don't want to have to be married to move out of the house and I certainly don't want to be interrupted mid-conversation and ordered to remove the dishes after a big family dinner.

The one thing I find totally unforgivable is that the women are always expected to do the domestic tasks...this is the fucking 21st century and quite frankly I've had enough of this backwards thinking. I am so tired of being asked to detach myself from a conversation to clean up after everyone while my brother and dad sit there drinking a beer. The daughters are asked to do everything while the sons are being treated like kings. I say get the fuck up and help.  I am no better or no worse than you so we should be treated equally. I would never marry anyone who expected this of me and if I had a son I would teach him to get up and help his sister or girlfriend clean the dishes, cook dinner and clean the house.

Another thing that I cannot stand is the exaggerated in-family gossip. A bunch of vecchi (old people) talking about how this person isn't married yet or how that person should be ashamed because their great grandmother cheated on her honest to god who cares? But you can't say anything to them because that would be disrespecting you're elders. And we go around and around in circles until one person has had enough and an in-family brawl occurs. The evil eye comes out, more Italian profanities, curses etc until someone grows some balls, holds up the white flag in surrender and the storm calms. Call me confrontational, call me rude but I refuse to respect anyone young or old who enjoys talking about me behind my back.

What was once a nationality i was proud of being apart of, is now the reason why I am angry and frustrated all the time. This close-minded thinking is what hinders me from achieving my full potential in life and I assume many others. Sometimes you have to march to your own beat and its very difficult to do that when you're a wog. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, I think you are spot on.
