Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Style for Style?

Over the past few years my style can be summed up into 3 words; flats, cardigans and jeans. That's pretty much all I wear; to uni, to shopping, to bars etc. To tell you the truth tho, I am so tired of flats, cardigans and jeans that if I see another pair I will scream. However, today's fashion isn't exactly inspiring, young adult women dress like men with the militant boots and scraggy petti-coats, tweenies look like hookers wearing one piece of material wherever they go and I REFUSE to dress like an old woman.

I could go rock chick but to tell you the truth I can't see myself pulling off a slasher T-shirt with tight skinny jeans and tattoos all over my body. I refuse to walk into sports-girl to try on bohemian hippy shit because that's not me either. On the other side of the spectrum I could always go as a girly-girl but I don't exactly want to be branded as an air-head before I open my mouth.

So, due to this dilemma I consult my boyfriend on advice about what he would like me to wear. BIG MISTAKE. That's how I got into this flats, cardigans and jeans rut in the first place.  According to my fashion guru's rules; no heels, no boots, nothing too-business like (pencil-skirts out, shirts with vests out), no gladiator sandals or anything remotely roman, no tight dresses and NOTHING THAT IS BLUE. But all these rules can be counter-acted if I wear a top that shows serious cleavage. SIGH. So again I am back to square one with one thought in mind ; serious cleavage. I roam Melbourne Central looking for a reasonably priced top that shows cleavage, with no luck and my mind numbed by pure frustration, I start to think...

What would I like to wear?

Seeing as this is MY body, MY temple in question...what do I feel suits my shape? What do I feel comfortable in? And what makes ME feel good?

No offence to my better half but I love heels and boots, I love tight dresses that I can get away with, blue is a nice colour as my eyes are blue and vests are awesome. Loving these things and wanting to wear them doesn't make me a fashion blunder, it just makes my tastes different which is an excellent thing otherwise we might as well all wear generic uniforms, so our inner eccentricity dies and conformity rises.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Catholic Church; a repugnant business

When I was younger I was told that Religion should be a major factor in one's life. God was a merciful being who would forgive you of all your sins. Everything that was good in the world was by the grace of God's hand and everything evil was Satan's doing. Creationism was taught in primary school while evolution was buried way in the back. At 11 yrs old, I still believed that Eve screwed us all over because she ate an apple. But that was the type of child I was, always did what I was told and could retain and regurgitate information when prompted too.

It was not until Year 10 when I started questioning the notion of religion as I learned more and more about the Catholic Church. I saw Catholicism in a darker light, stories of molestation surfaced- the so-called "men of God" were molesting children and the church was hiding their secrets. The Catholic Church refuses to acknowledge same-sex marriages, but its perfectly acceptable for a grown man to molest an innocent child because he has urges that he has been repressing since he joined the church? The Catholic Church abides by the teachings of the bible where it is considered a sin to go to the toilet and God floods the world on his own accord killing everyone except two of each animal and a man named Noah. The Catholic Church does not recognize love between a Catholic and an Orthodox follower but if you pay a little extra they will marry you anyway. The Catholic Church sees fit to take a huge percentage out of your children's school fees because your priest needs a brand new Mercedes while your children have to share a computer to work at school. 

I am truly disgusted to call myself a Catholic, I refuse to partake in communion during masses and in every religious conversation I attempt to put as much distance from myself and the Church as possible. Religion is toxic, it breeds hate and ignorance where it should encourage love and faith. It is a form of brainwashing and programs us to believe that we will by judged by a merciless God when we die...if we go to mass regularly and donate money to the church we will ascend into the gates of heaven but if not you will burn in hell for eternity. It was said somewhere that God or Jesus did not require us to build temples in order to pray and ask for guidance, anywhere you were would suffice. So why do we need a Catholic Church? Why must we 'employ' priests to guide us when they have no greater wisdom than anyone else? Why should we invest our hard earned money into a 'business' that is clearly corrupt?

There is a reason why Atheism is on the rise, God is getting a bad reputation by its representative-the Church. I for one will not be fooled anymore by this institutions contradictory beliefs and money-hungry attitude. I still believe in God as it offers comfort in my everyday life but I will 'worship' him in my own way and will not be bombarded by a Churches fake propaganda. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oz Comic Con 2012

Comic Con had so much potential, I thought it would be an amazing eye opening experience in the world of Comic book nerds. We arrived to storm troopers patroling the giant line which was entertaining as well as the enthusiastic people dressed as there favorite comic book hero or villan. The appeal eventually wore off as we were made to wait an hour lining up. When we were finally allowed in, the exhibition room was packed. It took 20 minutes to move from stall to stall.It was evident they had no idea how popular an event like this would be. The biggest downfall was the confusion regarding Stan Lee. Huge lines formed in the middle of the complex and people waited hours to see him without any luck. It was a disgusting effort made by the organizers. I didn't even see Patrick Stewart. And so much for nerds being nice and meek people I was pushed, bumped and practically prodded the entire time. Comic Con is just an overpriced busy store, the whole experience was draining, frustrating and infuriatingly disappointing.